Poor seats are the bain of a frequent traveler’s existence, especially those where access to Business and 1st class seats fall outside an organization’s approved travel policy. For the cost-conscious traveler, having to make the most out of economy class is the only option. One can, however, make the most of it, especially when we choose our seats properly, but what ‘properly’ looks like, can be different for everyone.
So, Worldgo has created a go-to list just for you:
Are you bringing carry-ons on board?
If you are traveling with awkward carry-ons that you make sure you choose a seat towards the rear of the airplane, this way you ensure you get the first choice of the overhead storage compartments.
Are looking to sleep?
Pick a window seat on the left-side of the aircraft. The middle of the craft generally means you won’t be bothered washrooms and people stretching their legs, plus the windows tend to be off-centered allowing you a better place to lay your head.

Do you have flight anxiety?
Popular Mechanics states that passengers in the rear of the plane are 40% more likely to survive a crash than those in the front. If you are really concerned, make sure to choose an aisle seat for quicker faster deplaning.
Are you looking for extra legroom?
Choose Exit row seats. On some flights, you can have an extra 4-7 inches of legroom. Don’t confuse Bulkhead with Exit Row, they make look promising, you will lose storage space and that could cut into your leg-room.

Are you feeling under the weather?
The smoothest ride is always found with seats over the wings, and the bigger the plane the smaller the bounce. If you are prone to motion sickness or had a big night after closing the deal of the year, this is where you want to be.
Are looking for space away from kids?
If you are looking for as much quiet as possible we recommend 2 things. Firstly, get yourself a good pair of noise calling headphones and then choose seats as far away from the bulkheads as possible. Bulkheads are where families are often put, or select because they travel with more gear and tend to be closer to washrooms.
Are you looking to avoid engine noise?
Choose seats as close to the cockpit as possible and get yourself a pair of noise-canceling headphones. They really are a great investment for frequent travelers.
Are you looking for a quick exit after a long flight?
Ever noticed that airplanes almost always depart on the left side? It goes without saying that choosing an aisle seat up front, on the left, will get you out the door as fast as possible.
Are you looking to be close to the washrooms?
Choose bulkheads and/or aisle seats and ensure that running to the washroom is as fast possible.
Although you may not have the budget to fly 1st or Business Class you can still choose seats that give you the best flight possible. At Worldgo, we get to know your preferences and can help you make the most of your time in the sky!