Make air travel easier on your body

Flying can be tough for anyone, even more so for those who travel frequently. Long distance travel can especially make your mind and body feel disrupted, as though your digestive system is out of whack, and your energy levels are drained. Since you can’t change the environment, it is even more important for you to do small things to prepare yourself. Taking care of your mental and physical wellbeing for travel ensures you have a better experience in a destination and on your arrival home.

Here are a few things you can do before, during, and after travel to make the entire experience a little easier:

Before Travel

woman exercising before travel

  • Cut your alcohol consumption the day before and day of travel – Because alcohol can leave you feeling super dehydrated and impact your immune system, avoiding in the days before your flight will make you feel a whole lot better.
  • Get a few good nights of sleep – Set yourself up for a successful night of sleep by cutting electronic use at least one hour before you head to bed. You may want to consider a magnesium supplement as magnesium helps to relax your muscles and make it easier to fall asleep.
  • Stay Hydrated – Drink loads of water in the days before travel to ensure your body is well hydrated before you get on a plane.
  • Exercise and Get Outside – In addition to drinking a lot of water, you’ll want to get lots of fresh air and exercise so you feel your best on the day of your flight.
  • Eat clean – Fuel your body with nutrient-rich foods before you fly so you have a healthy digestive system on the day of.

During Travel

Man on airplane

  • Bring your own food and healthy snacks for the trip – Most airline meals are not packed with quality proteins and nutrients. Packing healthy snacks to supplement this will help to keep your belly happy, so you can avoid bloating or an upset stomach.
  • Avoid Coffee and alcohol on the plane – While it may feel like you need a cup of coffee to keep yourself awake, or a glass of wine to wind down, avoiding these on the plane will make you feel a whole lot better. Coffee can tend to upset stomachs, as well as contribute to dehydration similar to wine. Instead, opt for green tea and water as your hot and cold beverages in-flight.
  • Use a nasal spray – The dry airplane air can make your nose feel super dry and can contribute to a congested feeling in your sinuses. Using a hydrating saline nasal spray can help alleviate those symptoms, and cut out that stuffy feeling.
  • Use a comfortable neck pillow for sleeping – It should go without saying, but having proper neck support when you’re sleeping upright is very important to the quality of your sleep. Test out a few pillows to make sure you get one that fits your neck properly. In addition, try to sleep in accordance with your destination’s time zone to minimize jet lag.
  • Get up and stretch or do your in-flight exercisesWhen you’re not napping, get up and walk the aisles, as well as practice some in-flight exercises. Keeping your blood flowing will alleviate your sore muscles, tight joints, reduce swelling, and reduce the likelihood of blood clots.

After Travel

Winding down after travel

  • Move your body – After you land, it’s important to get your body moving. Take a brisk walk around the area of your hotel, go for a swim, head to the gym, or find a local yoga class. Exercise will help your body be able to relax and ease into a new time zone.
  • Allow yourself to wind down before you tuck in for the night – Before you jump into bed and sleep, give yourself some time to relax screen-free. Head to the sauna or hot tub, take a hot bath, read a book or magazine, anything to give your mind some peace before you cozy up in bed. You should enjoy a more restful sleep this way, and be well-prepared for the next day.